Monday, June 3, 2013

Pisces Hate Love. Pisces Hate Rejection. Pisces Prefer Low-Life...

My Pisces have a stringent hatred for those who try to show them love--a disdain that is akin to Dracula's inability to tolerate sunlight. They honestly cannot tolerate love--it stresses them to the max and makes them physically and instantly ill, i.e., severe headaches, fatigue, nausea, pain somewhere in the body. Love enrages them. Whenever they encounter harmonious events and relationships, their natural proclivity to destroy rises to the surface and they stop whatever it is they are doing to put tons of effort into obliterating even the slightest moment(s) of joy and peace. They will even engage unimaginable lies to turn a good situation into a bad one; or flat out become violent, especially if the "attention" is not centered on or about them. When the Pisces discover two people or a group of people that genuinely love one another, they will interject themselves into [that] relationship for the purpose of destroying it--for no reason other than jealousy and their contempt for love.

And for God's sake, do not reject [a] Pisces or you'll have hell to pay. And God help you if you do not allow them to influence events--especially in social gatherings. They will insult you, your guest, and anyone who attempt to intervene to quell their rage over not being in the command role of "shot-caller." They will snap over not being able to control who can attend [your] event; or what music is played; or where [your] guest should sit; or how much food/drinks people should be allowed to consume; or if guest should be permitted to keep their shoes on; or if they don't like a person, that person should be ejected--crazy crap like that. I'm not talking about "kid" Pisces. I'm talking about "adult" Pisces.

[My ] Pisces are so bad about not being able to handle rejection and the lack of having a commanding role--in someone's life--they literally stalk the person [or people] on-site--all over them like lint on nylon--cussing and physically attacking in some instances. [My] Pisces honesty cannot grasp being told "no." It sends them into lunar-psychopathy and they have to be physically removed to stop their behavior. But then, they wait around on the outside for the target of their rage to exit so they can continue where they left off.

I've come to notice that my Pisces have a tendency to be attracted to low-life/low-information people. This sort of attraction is based on the Pisces always having to feel superior. They must have people around that have very little--people who look-up to them. They pretend to be financially well-off, and have no problem reminding the less fortunate that they are poor, uneducated, and otherwise "nothing" in the eyes of them and many others.

The other variable of my Pisces' preference(s) for the low/seedy side of life is because that is pretty much who they are. My Pisces are cunning liars; swindlers; thieves; beggars; untrustworthy manipulators; closet alcoholics; promiscuous; sneaky; back-stabbers; cheats; pretentious hucksters, and every other kind of seedy character there is--and I'm talking about the ones with good jobs and decent means by which to live. (I cannot even begin to describe the ones that don't have anything other than they are all of the above times one-million--and that's really bad.)

My female Pisces prefer low-life men, and my male Pisces prefer males over females in every aspect of their lives. The males find it difficult to bond with anyone, and usually gravitate towards gay men that they can easily control and manipulate--every last male Pisces [that was] in my life is like this. They are extremely mean and fussy, and have a tendency to tolerate men/people who treat them exceptionally bad. Go figure.

Keep in mind: I'm speaking of [all] the Pisces in my life--family and otherwise. And all of the above does not necessarily apply to you (as a Pisces) or any other Pisces you may know. Again: I'm sharing what I know and have experienced with the Pisces in my family and friends that use to be part of my life. I eliminated every Pisces I know from my life--family, friends, and  foes--forever!

I'm simply saying, giving you additional insight into the Pisces that use to be in my life.

Saishe says...


  1. Great post! That's some enlightenment and indeed an handy insight into a pisces mind. They are different race altogether. Pisces is more than just any other zodiac. I hope more & more people read this, even the pisces too, so they commit suicide(i hope). Again thanks, a great read! God bless ya!

    1. That's not nice. Nobody should commit suicide obviously there is something wrong with your brain if your wishing death on people. Are you even human. I am indeed a pisces but I would never go as far as this one has. So please leave your negativity on people dying in butt k?

  2. - this is so on point. I wonder what it is about Pisces that they fit this description so well. Sad.

    1. QSL:

      Of course re: Pisces "is so on point." Why did you say, I wonder what is about Pisces that they fit this description so well"? QSL: You already know what it is as to why Pisces fit the descriptions so well--YOU'VE EXPERIENCED/WITNESSED PISCES; YOU'VE READ ABOUT PISCES FROM WHICH YOU RECEIVED AFFIRMATIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE NOTICED AND IGNORED OR DIDN'T BELIEVE BECAUSE THEY ARE SO SHOCKING COLD-BLOODED/HEARTED. So stop trying to convince yourself that you need to keep wondering about Pisces. It is not your imagination, QSL! If you're trying to let go of a Pisces and you're having a hard time letting go, simply revisit all the digusting/degrading things your Pisces said/did to you and believe everything they said and did to you--BECAUSE THEY MEANT IT/MEANT TO DO IT to hurt you to your core. Let your Pisces know that you're sure now (about them) THEN LET THEM GO! LET GO! NOW!

  3. Im a pisces im not a all!!!!!!

  4. I'm a pisces and would never do any of the above things:(

  5. This is the most outrageous thing ever. Im a pieces and i am nothing like what you described above.

    1. BS. Youre just another Picean woman lying...its one of your traits. We understand. Every Picean woman I met matches this profile to a T. If you are an are as rare as a diamond. And who can afford diamonds anyway? So, you're not worth it anyway.

  6. Im very sorry that this is what you got out of knowing pisces but youre very hateful and wrong i bet the pisces you removed from your life are very greatful that you did so.....

  7. You are bitter, You have been hurt by someone and they so happened to be a Pisces. Yes we can be nasty but so can anyone else, We are the most loyal sign in the zodiac and believe it or not if you were treated with Ill will from a Pisces then you did something to make that Pisces be this way and you did it numerous times. We are a forgiving sign up to a point. I hope you find the happiness you seek and shed light your way.

    1. Again, I call BS. I had a Picean girl that came to me, and did nothing but use me for money. This is how I know Picean women. they are users of men and liars.

    2. This is ridiculous. You're basing your assumptions about a whole group on the actions of one or two shifty, obnoxious people. This is the very same thing that racists and religious extremists do. I am a Pisces, and I'd never use someone for their money; nor would I lie to or tolerate lies from a romantic partner. Admittedly we can be dreamy and eclectic, but the vast majority of us would not dream of being that cruel. Compassion for others is commonly one of our strong suits.

    3. Seriously though, you all sound very jaded and bitter. My guess is that most of the men posting in this thread would probably have similar issues with other signs as well; due in large part to their own shitty choices when it comes to choosing romantic partners. Maybe they could try NOT dating women who 'come to them 'looking for money and material comforts? Attractive and nice are not always synonymous, sadly. Instead, consider dating sane, financially stable Ladies with a modicum of human compassion and enough of an intellect to engage you in meaningful conversation. Date Ladies who genuinely share your interests and enjoy YOUR company. Date someone you like to spend time with for more than just physical reasons..Date someone who is neither clingy nor needy, but an independent soul in her own right...You know, a mature, responsible adult. I'm sorry you got hurt, and I'm sorry you were treated unfairly, but it's kind of childish to blame your poor judgment calls on a zodiac sign.

  8. Pisces commentators, don't you have some poor soul to go manipulate and then dump on? Gtfo! This is our comfort zone, that we can retreat to, once we realize that you're ALL just a bunch of Charles Mansons on the prowl. Just get off your computer's, go open another beer and complain about this to your newest patsy.

    Scorpio female, just ended a 2 year with a toxic pisces female. She was a gangrenous disease.

  9. Having had 1 major relationship and 3 minor ones with Pisces females, I got to agree these women don't like to be loved. They crave it and work over time to get you to love them and even when you romance them, write them poetry etc etc. They invariably find some poor excuse to simply either destroy it or leave. They are masters of projecting blame onto the other party and seem to completely lack any introspection. The first one I was with was jealous, insecure and possessive and constantly accused me of messing around. Then she nagged me persistently to have a child, then 2 months after we had a baby proceeded to tell me she had sex with someone else earlier in our relationship? The level of anger I felt toward this person for accessing me of doing what they had done, in combination with duping me into the child thing to lock me in is beyond description. This person still to this day (20 years later) won't except the wrongness of this behavior, and she lied to my daughter for years telling her I left for another women causing hurt division there too.

    Then I had a very intense 7 month relationship with another Pisces women, very passionate & romantic. Within a couple of months she invited me to travel overseas to meet her family, and we opened a joint account to save up for the trip. She knew I had a child from a previous relationship etc etc. Anyway 7 months in she comes to my house when I had an access day with my daughter, and sees her leaving with her mum. Next day ends the relationship saying she can't be in a relationship and not be NUMBER 1!

    The next Pisces girl, 3 months and she cheated with some fat ugly dude that she went to high school with.

    I put Pisces women on the black list for many years after this, but foolishly I got taken again just recently. An online relationship with foreign women, and low and behold same thing again. I'm falling for you, your my soul mate yada yada. I was actually planning to go overseas for this women, then she does the whole I don't like the fact your divorce hasn't come through yet (even though it was less than month away). I every instance these women turn cold and can't even conduct a separation in amiable way. They will normally try and make you do it by acting disinterested or poorly toward you, so they can save face or play the victim when you end it with them.

    Common lies of Pisces women.
    1/ I don't normally do this kind of thing.. oh yes does and has and will again

    2/ She is falling for you - bull she don't love you she loves how you make her feel, as soon as someone else comes along and gives a bigger high see ya!!!

    It has not escaped my notice lately as I have entered the online dating market, that there is unusually high number of very attractive Pisces females on these sites. Much larger than any other zodiac sign, I know why this is..

  10. Wow... This is somewhat the same thing I experienced. I am now cold and rejected the fish when he least expected. Now he has been calling for closure. Not going to happen.

  11. I'm a pisces and would never do any of that. A lot of pisces I know have gone through some type of hardships that cause them to emotionally fleed at the first site (I should know) we tend to run away from anything and everything and that includes our own deepest feelings. It sucks really on how scared we are to face our own demonds. For pisces love is everything we love the idea of love and our imagination ignites portraying a specific way of loving and when she actually loves in reality and ends up becoming hurt by the reality of love, she would hate it, never want anything to do with it because her emotions are running high and very very strong. This article about this pisces seems like she went through some hectic childhood that ended up F'n her up really really bad. I can say I'm emotionally detached from love but I wouldn't go as far as feeling fatigue or sick by it. I think this pisces is sick mentally and should really get checked up. It's obvious that this pisces went through some crazy shizz because this seems like a cry for help to me and I feel sorry for her and you because you didn't see the good side of pisces but only the broken sides. I hope you get to meet a great pisces one day because I assure you we most definitely hate having the attention on us unless by our lovers.

  12. I thank you for knowing that not all Pisces are like this. Most people forget to read what you said at the ending. I am a Pisces and I was hurt from the beginning but then ounce when I read that you know that not all Pisces are like this, I felt reilved. I am tired of people saying the stereotypes for pieces or at least having a bitter exprince and not knowing that not all Pisces are like this. No I am not saying people with a bitter exprince are gonna be ignorant towards Pisces, no no because I read some and my friends had some bitter times with other pieces but they didn't with me. I want to let some people know who are reading this that, not all Pisces are like there stereotype. Pisces aren't boring, some of us do want to be loved, some don't muilpvate people or betray people, were not all whiny nor needy, & some don't get jealous easily or at all. Pieces could be, sweet, outgoing, nice, loyal and never betray nor treat you like this. Hell some might want love to, me i'm Inlove with someone right now, I really do love them and I do want that lucky person to love me and be with me only... If he doesn't like me then that's ok! We can always be friends. Me I won't be bitter when someone rejects me, how ever if I had a really strong love for that person I might be sad for a while then get over it. (P.s no I won't become bitter! There's always other fish in the sea.) ~��

  13. Oh, please... I agree I rejects love But not family love. I am dominant but not to that extance and am not a kill joy to kill other peoples relationship, am not a wine drinker, I have seen many alcoholic but many of them were other signs, and please am not a gay, am more straight then you could ever see a guy like me, Get a hike, explore more, and remember Pisces are revengeful get that in do you thick skull, you might have done something to make them like that, mind these I am a independent guy, I don't depend on others. P.S

  14. And am it saying these because I'm hurt... I am not mentally and emotionally or even physically hurt in any ways, I was just intrigued with your comments on Pisces...

  15. Omg. Everything u mentioned seems to ring true for the Pisces female. A recent ex was duped again on getting back with her. You could clearly see the whole victim card being played. Of course she loved the attention and confirmations she got. Always put my ex down on facebook that he was a sperm donor. She always tried to get his money with all excuses. She made my ex so pissed he would walk out n slam the door. From info I heard around the way....she is still doing it. He told me how she would talk to her ex in the beginning of my exes and her relationship. In fact he said when they got together the pisces cheated on her current relationship to be with my ex. She accuses him of being the father to kids that clearly not his. Manipulative to a fault. Lies liesv and more lies. Loves the pity party. Tries to control all aspects of Taurus mans life and says I'm THE one who brainwashed people are beyond psychotic. Well I guess she is my exes karma. Taurus male disappeared on me....but did this yo her as well. Taurus male spent a yr in a half with me before just disappearing but hey more power to the liars. Very deserving of each other I'd say.

  16. I completely agree with this blog. Dated a Pisces for almost 2 years before she moved to another state to "take care of her father". Shortly after she ended the relationship. Why I don't know? Anyways she lied about everything. Whenever I was happy or having a great day she tried her best to ruin it. She loved to see me down. When we would go on vacations she found a reason to fight about something. She was jealous of the close loving relationship I had with my family. She was always in competition with me on basic things. She couldn't keep a job and thought everyone was picking on her or out to get her. Responsibility wasn't in her DNA as she was passed due on all her bills but pretended to be financially stable. Everything I said or did hurt her emotionally. She was still sneaking around on the phone with an ex which I clearly had an issue with. I believe her excuse to leave and take care of her father had to do with something else or perhaps a love interest. Pisces are salvages who will eat you alive if you let them. They appear to be loving but deep down very evil and hateful. They will ignore you when they know they're wrong. Be careful they are LIARS. Call them out on inconsistencies. The worst that can happen is they will swim away like mine did. Karma will catch up with the fish soon.


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