Friday, September 28, 2012

You Wanna Know Why I'm Mad & Wanna Fight?

I hope you join me on this journey to change the minds of millions of black women via fuss mode because asking/begging them--one-on-one--hasn't been working for decades--not in America anyway, and therefore, I decided to put-it-down like it is. I'm fussing! Oh! You might want to fight! Just stay around and listen to what I have to say about us and too many of our unruly, misguided, mis[under]-educated children. If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't, know that I'm not talking about you, but rather, "them" who the shoe(s) fit.

I'm disappointed in black people, especially black women--not that I am not disappointed in black men as well. But this is between me and my sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins, friends, and foes. I am truly hissy-mad with all of us and I shouldn't have to be because "the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world." We're rocking millions of cradles--most of which were unplanned--yet, we're not ruling our world. We have the POWER--economic, political, and otherwise to shift into a perpetual mode of economic freedom and upward mobility. The only things we're missing are unity and determination to achieve one goal: Shift our economic power to benefit our people. Harden our determination to get it started and done. Wait to experience the unstoppable economic upward mobility of us and our children. The ONLY factor in life that truly affects one's behavior is ECONOMICS. Change the economics. Change the behavior/change the mind. EVERYBODYS'--theirs' and ours'!

Our children imitate what we do, which is largely and tragically providing economic empowerment to non-blacks who are indoctrinated from the cradle to the grave not to provide jobs/economic opportunities to/for blacks, especially our men and children--and our collective attitudes and ruinous economic behavior(s) certainly indicate we're okay with that--and people wonder why I'm mad at us! We are literally FINANCING OUR OWN ECONOMIC OPPRESSION, and we're constantly raising [new] generations of children who are continuing this oppressive behavior. Simply put: We have to change this.

Daily, when I look around me, I see beautiful, intelligent, hard-working women among us, and I ask myself: Why are we so stupid? Why are we so economically blind? What are we working towards? Why do we work against one another? (Our foremothers weren't like that! They supported each other! You know: "The Village" concept.) Why are our people worse-off today than they were in early 1900's? Why can't we support and uplift one another? Why do we support everything non-black (whites, Arabs, Koreans, Indians, etc.) and nothing or hardly anything black (us)?  Why do we "hate-on" one another? Why is that?

I. Want.To. Know. I'm. At. A. Point. Where. I. Can't. Take. Anymore! Tell me because I'm spinning in confusion about our dire situations and it's killing me a little bit more every passing day because I won't accept that we have to remain this way. I cry in my car and on the bus about us, at home alone when the news is on, in the grocery store because my soul is rattled to its core, and most places I go and be where examples of what I'm fussing about surrounds me --just out of the blue, steady and slow, my heart races as tears begin to flow. Why? Because I am totally consumed and overwhelmed by the fact that we are spiraling in an abyss of social-economic degradation all the while blaming everyone except ourselves for our adversities and doing nothing to change/improve our circumstances--this has broken me down; my heart is bleeding; I'm mad; and I'm rising up to fight us for us!

Everyday, our children are killing one another, and we sit around complaining that the police, government, and everybody else are not doing anything/enough to stop the violence, create jobs, and give our children something positive to do. It ain't "them" whose responsible for our conditions; it's us! We are our own worst enemy, and I am going to talk more about that many days to come.

I'm ashamed of us--really! When I'm walking down the street or any place, I look other races of people straight in the eyes, and I feel them wondering what kind of person am I;  do you live amongst horrible conditions? I am ashamed and mad as hell about it!

As black women, we have got to be the stupidest among the [most] powerful female gender! Why! Look around us, and you don't have to look too far to see, to know the rampant violent conditions and lack of economic opportunities we are subjected to. We are at the very bottom of [every] economic order, yet we spend multi-billions of dollars annually that enrich and enhance the economic position(s)/lives of every race outside of our own that come to our communities to do/solicit business.

Do yourself a favor: Contact Ebony Magazine at (1.888.532.6695) and ask to purchase a copy of their May, 2012 edition and read the bottom of Page 100: Black America's Half-Trillion Dollar Consumer Market then come to grips with how stupid we are and have been for spending billions of dollars and IT HAS NOT AND DOES NOT BENEFIT OUR CHILDREN, US, AND OUR MEN! We are a stupid-"A" sleeping giant, and I'm mad about it! Really mad! I'm willing to fight anybody [among us], anytime, anywhere to help us. I'm going to fight all of you until all of us wake-the-hell-up and agree to and participate in getting our own economic and political "party" started.

I now retreat in order to stay and fight another day. Stay tuned.

Love, Saishe! Holla-back!