Monday, October 15, 2012

Don't Buy The Latest Gym Shoes: Buy Your Kid The Damn Stock!

Let me repeat that with more clarity: Don't buy the latest gym shoes with Dwayne Wade's, Derrick Rose's, Michael Jordan's, or anybody else's name on them. Rather, buy the damn stock of the company that's making the gym shoes for you kid(s). How about that?!!

I got rocket-pissed again when I saw the headline on the front page of the (October 15th, 2012) Chicago Sun-Times newspaper that reads: Mass Appeal. Dwayne Wade is attempting to help Chinese firm Li-Ning join Nike, Reebok and Adidas as global athletic shoe titans." The operative words here are: "Dwayne Wade is attempting to help Chinese..."

On Page 3, Dwayne Wade is standing next to a little China man (in Beijing, China?) announcing his partnership with Li-Ning--who is a "three-time Olympic Gold Medalist gymnast for China." Mr. Li-Ning is 49 years old and is the owner of the company (that will make/brand the Dwayne Wade gym shoes) that earns $1 billion in revenues annually.

Is Mr. Li-Ning, whose company is based in China where Dwayne Wades' brand gym shoes will be manufactured, is banking on black people, especially black mothers to be a multi-million/multi-billion dollar source of [annual] USA revenues for the Dwayne Wade brand gym shoes?

HELL YEAH! Why do you think Dwayne Wade is standing there in the picture with Mr. Li-Ning?!! Mr. Li-Ning knows we love "our baby boy" Dwayne; and he is banking our continued economic stupidity, as well as on us still being asleep economically. Why wouldn't he? We--us, black people, and black women--keep turning everybody except ourselves into multi-millionaires/billionaires.

2nd Question:
Why isn't Dwayne Wade the owner/manufacturer of his own brand name gym shoes, in America--right here in Chicago?

2nd Answer:
Untrained! Too stupid?! Whatever the [real] answer is, it will never satisfy the mind of logical thinking, economically astute people because he has the money to do it. Go figure!

Third Question:
Will Dwayne Wade have distributorship rights here in the United States when Mr. Li-Ning decides to intro Dwayne's brand of gym shoes in the U.S. market?

Third Answer:
HELL NO! I'll bet my ranch and yours that the China man did not and will not give Dwayne--or anybody black and male like him--distributorship rights. We should be totally pissed-off about this!

So check this out: Blacks get no jobs because the shoes will be made in China. Dwayne or any other black businessperson in the U.S. will not have distributorship rights. But, yet, Mr. Li-Ning believes that Dwayne Wade's name tagged to the brand will influence us to buy the gym shoes. His assumption is based on our pattern of being stupid-ass consumers--FOR REAL!

Fourth Question:
Are we--us, black women--going to continue to be "damned idiots" and make this China man rich? Are we?!!

The Answer Should Be:
HELL NALL! Not one black female, harboring a vagina, [some] kids, and some money, better not buy one pair of those gym shoes--UNLESS OF COURSE--we--us, black women--get first crack at being distributors of Dwayne Wade's brand gym shoes; and we're going to let Dwayne Wade know that. OUR BABIES NEED JOBS! And it is our [collective] job to make sure we create jobs and they (our babies) get jobs. Now, how about that?!!!

Let me say something here: We are done being buffoons (people "who behave in a stupid and annoying way") when it comes to how, where, and with whom we spend our combined multi-billions of consumer dollars--WE'RE DONE WITH THAT! We must negotiate economic deals with everybody on the planet. They'll have to cut us in, or we will have to cut them out (of our purses).

Your brand initiatives director, Mr. Brian Cupps (a white boy from America who doesn’t employ black people either) stated: He "think it's very important [that Chicago will be a target market because]. Dwayne has established himself in Miami, but Chicago is his roots. That's where he's we won't forget that."

What Dwayne nor Mr. Cupps couldn't have possibly told you is that we're (the people with the money in the black community--black women) are gearing up not to buy your new partnership brand with Dwayne Wade unless you negotiate distributorships with black businesswomen/businessmen in the U.S.--and not Jessie L. Jackson and his crowd of carpet-begging, do nothing for the black community cohorts. Be ready to send your representative to negotiate with our representative, and we'll let you know or show you whether or not your new brand with Dwayne Wade "can buck the trend" [of others having failed].

Sincerely, Saishe Brokesom (USA)

P.S. Mr. Li-Ning will get the memo because someone in China is viewing my blog.


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