Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Aries: The Ram! Straight Fire! Ruled By Mars

Yes in-deedy! Aries is the first sign of the "Zodiac;" is a straight-up, without a doubt "fire" sign. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars--the "war" planet; as well as Pluto--the dark planet of the mysterious, metaphysical, and underworld.

It is said that with Aries, war is the chosen first-line of defense. But not so--fast--with Aries. "War" is actually the last line of defense with Aries. Aries result to a "war defense" only when everything else has been explored, tried, and failed to resolve a situation/achieve a "happy medium." The true nature of Aries is to love (truly love), laugh, and enlighten.

The RAM: Means Aries use their heads (logic) in every situation. If "it" is not logical, Aries will naturally reject "it" and seek to create an atmosphere/time to comprehend "it." If "it" is confrontational, Aries will seek to calm "it." If "it" is untruthful, Aries will immediately/on-the-spot let "it" be known that honesty is not being presented. If "it" attacks the weak or unknowing, Aries will rise to defend them.

Aries are thought of as being "bossy." And they are! Why? Because Aries are conscientious by nature. Aries are "fearless" and selfless. Aries are "protectors" of all that is good in the interest of mankind. Aries genuinely care about the safety and well-being of others, and are profoundly sensitive to danger or situations that are detrimental to one's existence. Aries are capable of detecting danger long before its arrival, and will take the lead to deter or avoid it.

Aries honestly care more about others than they do about themselves--which is sometimes detrimenal to their own existence. Aries are not hesitant about or afraid to say exactly what needs to be said when it needs to be said. Aries generally will come right out and say what most people only dream of saying--and they'll tell you why they are saying it. If a person has the audacity to "come up with it," Aries has the immediate audacity to "come out with it." There are no shades of gray with Aries. It's either "black" or "white;" up or down; and never side-ways.

Typically, Aries are honest to a fault--which causes many problems for them. The honesty of Aries is often misunderstood; or considered "confrontational." Most people reject Aries' advice and honesty because 99.9% of the time their advice and honesty is "on point," and most people cannot handle the truth or dislike what they perceive as "being told what to do."

Aries are full of opinions--especially when they notice something unfavorable about to take place. When a situation like this arise, the Aries individual (the "gate keerper") is already there waiting to foil an offense or block its entry or success--by any means necessary.

Typically, Aries are truly "forgiving" and are extremely quick to forgive. Aries do not hold grudges even after they've been "dogged" beyond human comprehension many, many, many times. They will continue to be good to you, help you, and fight your battles--for eons. But when an Aries turns against you, they walk-away from you for life, and they honestly believe everyone on earth is suppose to cut-you-off for life because they know they went further and stayed longer than anyone else you know to help and love you. After you lose the love and support of an Aries, you've lost a friend for life; they believe you deserve no additional dispensation (special consideration)--not even from [your] God. After an Aries cut you off for life, they will continue to respect you, but you will never be permitted to pretend--especially in the presence of others--that "all is good" with you and them because Aries will expose and warn you--in a manner you've never, ever witnessed from them before. Aries are absolutely unpretentious by nature.

Aries typically are loners, and most will tell you they "do not have any friends." Why? Because most Aries--through experience--discover/recognize that generally people have absolutely no concept of what a true friend is. Aries' concept of friendship is love, honor, and commitment, and most people ultimately end-up demonstrating a lack of appreciation and respect for such qualities of friendship. Most Aries know how to be and are sincere practitioners of being a geniune friend. Aries' stratospheric-level of generosity is unsurpassed by none. There is no other sign in the Zodiac as generous or more generous than Aries--NONE! Aries will do anything for you anytime/anyplace, give you everything you need and desire, and take you to places where you fear going alone. "Giving" and "doing" is first-nature to Aries.

And when an Aries deem themself to be your friend, they will [help] lift your burdens and make your wildest dreams come true, especially with the generosity of their time, knowledge, money, and human resources--outer space isn't even the limit. Most people--because it is human nature to do so--become suspicious of the limitless generosity of an Aries. Aries' generosity is mind-boggling--it's scarey--because the average individual will never give what an Aries frequently gives, or do for another person what an Aries will do.

The FIRE: This trait does not necessarily represent being "hot-headed" or temperamental (explosive). The "fire" in Aries represents warmth--the fuzzy kind. The "fire" is truly representative of Aries' passion for life.

But on the flip-side, the "fire" can be representative of the force an Aries individual is capable of exerting in defense of the principles that shape and governs their life, as well as any and everything they love, honor, and cherish, especially their integrity or children. Go after the integrity of an Aries and you, without a doubt, will have hell-to-pay.

Typically, an Aries does not have a “cut-off-switch,” and they will tell you that as a fair warning. If you fail to take heed, the Aries will acknowledge your failure to take heed as a “green light” (your personal okay) to be reprimanded by any means necessary.

An Aries will stop at nothing to destroy your entire understanding of life and liberty, and will not hide while engaging beyond belief tactics to alter your psychological well-being. When it becomes necessary for an Aries to "defend," "Mars" kicks-in and the "war" is on and popping, rock'n, and it won't be stopping until the "threat" is eliminated. Physically hurting a child qualifies an individual for death in the eyes of an Aries. Every sign in the Zodiac feel they will kill to protect a child or children--all signs possess this natural instinct--but an Aries is the astrological sign that will actually execute on behalf of the children--and proudly so.

So be warned: if you do not want your whole world turned up-side-down and otherwise destroyed--forever, never, ever provoke an Aries by more-than-a-few-times transgressing those/that which they love, honor and cherish, or their "values."

Aries individuals are romantics in every sense or definition of a “romantic.” They have a utopian (unrealistic) concept of family, life, love, and friendship. Aries are “mouthy,” with a flare for humor. They are classic examples of making lemonade out of the lemons that life hands to them, and will make you laugh about the horrible things that happens to them. Aries possess an instant disdain for underhandedness. Betrayal is a definite taboo with Aries.

Aries also possess a healthy respect for nature and animals. Aries love infrastructure, architeture, old cars, and beautiful displays of natural resources. Aries are intimidated by massive bodies of water, yet cherish their inter-relationships to the sun, moon, clouds, wind, and shores. Magnificent beauty as provided by nature is the ultimate display of Gods work as far as Aries are concerned. They are quicker than Aquarians at spotting spectacular beauty in nature. Aries are naturally attracted to beauty.

Aries are basically selfless individuals; quick to defend the underdog or downtrodden; fearing nothing and no one. They believe that everyone should be able to “live on the mountaintop,” but have absolutely no problem with or hesitation about kicking a selfish offender over the edge of the mountain if/when it becomes necessary to protect the “lot.”

Aries have a built-in radar for what is real or fake, truth and lies, and undercurrents that most people are incapable of picking up on; as well as a natural proclivity for “sounding the alarm.” Typically most Aries are not back-stabbers. Rather they tell "you" to your face; and banish "back-stabbers" from the presence and life when necessary.

Family is extremely important to Aries. They are obsessed with the belief that family is suppose to always be together, as well as love and protect each other; be there for each other during the good times and the bad times; and are consistent practitioners of "your children are my children." However, if there is a “bad apple” in the family, you can count on Aries to expose them and issue a stern directive for that individual to stay a safe distance away from “the family” forever.

Aries’ first preference is to love and protect you against the world and yourself, as well as tell you what you need to know, and not necessarily what you want to hear.

Aries, although courageous and strong, possess a child-like quality, i.e., they are naive as they believe that if they are good to you, and never hurt you or bring any "issues" to you, then you should never want to disrespect, disregard, or otherwise betray or hurt them. Aries absolutely cannot grasp anyone wanting to hurt them. An Aries being emotionally or physically harmed is simply unacceptable.

Aries also take people literally for what they say. Although Aries are quick-witted, intelligent, and extremely articulate, their naive quality is honed to the "literal" sense of situations and conversations. You must say exactly what you mean to an Aries because an Aries is going to interpret the "literal" meaning of every word you say to them; and they are not too receptive to someone telling them: "Well, that's not what I meant!" Aries' response is: "Well that is what you said." So select your words and positions very carefully with an Aries because they are listening and they really "hear" what you are saying--literally.

For example, a relative who once owned a restaurant and bar, where people often held private parties asked another Aries relative to wait-tables for a private party. It was the Aries relative's very first time being a waitress. At the onset of the party, two tables of guest arrived. One of the tables was a rather large round table (with a huge rod-iron base) where 6 people were seated. The Aries first-time waitress was instructed by the owner to "go and get that table." The Aries waitress walked over and greeted the guest at the table, then said: "Can you all stand-up for a moment, I gotta get this table." Taking the owner's instruction in its literal sense, the Aries waitress began dragging the table across the floor (about 10 feet) over to the bar. The owner was preoccupied at the other end of the bar serving drinks and didn't notice or hear the sound of the table being drug across the floor. When the Aries waitress lined the table up against the bar, she asked the owner. "What do you want me to do with this table?" The owner leaned over the bar and saw the table lined-up against the bar and snapped, "I didn't tell you to go and get the "f...ing" table! The Aries waitress replied: "Yes you did! You told me to go and get the table!" The owner, in buck-eyed amazement stared at her Aries relative for about 30 seconds, then snapped pointing towards the door saying to her Aries relative, "Get the f... out, you stupid "B;" get your stupid-a.. out of here! The Aries waitress was dumb-founded and hurt. She was confused. She shouted: "I did what you told me to do!" (Meanwhile, everyone was laughing histerically.) The owner snapped again: "B...., I meant go and take their order for drinks--not get the f...ing table and bring it over here!"

Aries are wired to "anticipate," and often use this trait to avoid undesirable people and situations. When an Aries "abandon ship" it is really time to go. Aries truly knows when to "hold them" and when to "fold them"--as well as why.

Love and laughter is second-nature to Aries. The only thing Aries love more than laughing and having fun is making other people happy by doing whatever is necessary to make that happen.

There are three (3)categories of dominate characteristics of the "Aries" zodiac sign:

Aries: Born March 21st through March 31st
These Aries are straight mentally ill (but in a manner that makes you want to hug them and tell them so). They represent every trait there is associated with this zodiac sign—good, bad, and ugly; but more bad and ugly presents more often than “good.” They are very delusional about relationships and pathological in everything they do—EVERYTHING! They harbor no shame what-so-ever. Everything they engage in is to the extreme of extreme. On the negative side these Aries are “crazy,” “violent,” completely “unstable” in most aspects of their lives, and they live their entire lives mostly in a world of fantasy. On the positive side they are “free-spirited,” “extremely generous, “loyal,” “loving,” and “fiercely protective.”

Aries: Born April 1st through April 10th
These Aries are straight-up violent when pushed beyond their abnormally high-level of tolerance. They are loyal, honest, and brutal in their delivery of what they perceive as “truth.” Aries will fly in the face or up the ass of adversity and injustices, prepared and qualified to due battle against the worst-of-the worst with unbelievable staying-power, using unimaginable tactics. These Aries' commentary is swift and lethal, and they almost never say that they do not mean, i.e., if they say it they really, really mean it. These Aries are quick to say what most people only dream of saying, and say it precisely when it needs to be said to whom it needs to be said to. These Aries prefer relationships with animals over people because animals love unconditionally. They believe animals are superior to human-beings.

Aries: Born April 11th through April 19th
These Aries are truly the ones to watch. They are capable of being loyal only to themselves—and only to you if they want or need something from you; when they get it, you’re “toast.” The women are “men” snatchers, and the men are “women” snatchers. Most of them cannot be trusted around husbands, wives, or significant others. They totally lack moral compasses. Sex, alcohol, and rock-and-roll are in their DNA and are their life-sources for living. While they possess the positive Aries traits mentioned above they rarely engage them; and can be master-deceivers. They possess all of the lethal Aries traits in the worst ways. They are quick to accuse you of what they are actually guilty of, and when they are “caught dirty,” they will try to convince you that you are the “dirty” one. They do not readily trust people because they cannot be trusted. These types of Aries—men and women—are much like the Pisces, and you should always use caution in your dealings or relationships with them. These are the type of Aries that will sell their souls to the devil and yours as well if you allow them to. Most of them are alcoholics, nymphomaniacs, and thieves. They are hard-core, hard-wired attention seekers and will do anything to get it. Most of the Aries in my family and ex-friends born between these specified dates will invite or have sex anywhere with anyone. (Note: I’m not saying all Aries born between April 11th and April 19th are this way. I'm only talking about the ones among my family and [ex-]friends.)

If you are an Aries, I'm sure you recognize the above as being true to your nature. If you are seeking to understand your Aries, I hope the above helps.

I'm just sharing what I know!


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