In your quiet moments, have you ever contemplated whether or not your child is possessed with some unidentifiable evil force or source? The level of evil and contempt that even a mother should not forgive?
While you’re alone and reading this, go head and admit it to yourself: “My child is a demon. I don’t even know him or her. It has gotten to a point where I don’t like…”
You wonder to yourself: “Who do they take after [in the family]? What have I done to make this child so disrespect and evil?” You keep trying to point to at least one incident that derailed [the] child’s moral compass, but you can’t.
I know. I use to be like that about my daughter. But then I came to the realization that there is no helping her. She is who she is. She did not inherit her “evil,” selfish, sociopathic, psychopathic, pathological lying, money-hungry-will-do-anything-for-it characteristics from me. Rather, she inherited those traits from her father/my ex-husband and his family. She will never change.
I want to share her traits with you as a means to let you know you are not alone in dealing with a person like I’m about to describe.
I am not a trained professional in psychology, but I’ve seen, know, and researched enough to conclude that my adult daughter strongly appears to be is a sociopathic psychopath, in concert with suffering from Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and is certainly bipolar (although she has and exhibits all the traits and behaviors, but has never been diagnosed--to my knowledge. But she is seeing a psychologist).
Following is a Profile of a Sociopath (and an extreme sociopath, i.e., “a psychopath”) that I retrieved (and I’m quoting) from information I located on the Internet that best describes my daughter (use it to identify any traits that your child or anyone close to you in your life may exhibit regularly):
• “Glibness/superficial charm
• Manipulative and cunning
• Grandiose sense of self
• Pathological lying
• Lack of remorse, shame or guilt
• Shallow emotions
• Incapacity for love
• Need for stimulation/Alcohol Abuse
• Callousness/lack of empathy
• Poor behavioral controls/impulsive nature
• Early behavior problems/juvenile delinquency
• Irresponsibility/unreliability
• Promiscuous sexual behavior/infidelity
• Lack of realistic life plan/parasitic lifestyle
• Criminal or entrepreneurial versatility
• Contemptuous (expresses hatred) of those who seek to understand them
• Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
• Authoritarian
• Secretive
• Paranoid
• Seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
• Conventional appearance (or impeccable appearance)
• Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
• Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
• Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
• Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
• Incapable of real human attachment to another
• Unable to feel remorse or guilt
• Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
• Habitual Liar
• May state readily that their goal is to rule the world”
My daughter exhibits all of the above behaviors and traits; and does not have a conscience. She is an exceptionally cruel person and a fierce liar. She’s extremely manipulative of others; very and consistently dishonest. She possesses an inability to love. She is incapable of building and maintaining lasting and "profoundly meaningful relationships.
Do you see a pattern in your child or loved one yet?
I am going to keep going. The following information was also derived from the Internet, and I’m quoting
•"Sociopaths are charming at first and may seem charming, soft-spoken, and normal to everyone around them. But they have a scary need for control. They will isolate you from friends and family and you will be tangled in their web before you know it;
•"The key characteristics of a sociopath include: (1) having no conscience, (2) inability to treat others as human beings, with feelings and rights and (3) inability to learn from experience, from life. They are narcissistic--completely self-absorbed. One result of this is gross immaturity, though it may be hidden unless one knows the person well. A sociopath behaves as if he/she were the only person in the whole world and as if everyone else exists for their benefit/pleasures and had no existence in their own right. (4) Sociopaths treat other people as toys and hanker as power to control and hurt their 'nearest and dearest'. (5) Many are monumentally self-important: They may pretend to be millionaires, when in reality they are sliding towards financial disaster. (6) Habitual dishonesty;
•"The sociopath will charm their way into your life and heart, then take complete advantage of you - your emotions, your finances, your intellect; will make you think you are the crazy one. They are 'hucksters" and will tell you a sad life story to trap you into having sympathy for them so they can con you. They will isolate you from your friends and possibly your family; can or cannot hold a job and will probably commit crimes - theft by deception, fake physical disabilities, forgery; will abuse drugs or alcohol; and live to abuse you;
•"A sociopath causes non-stop turmoil in their family; and is a charming and frightening menace.
•"It is very difficult to recognize a sociopath but in a nutshell, a sociopath is a parasite. There is no help for them because a sociopath does not want to be helped. A sociopath will attract you with their charm and bring you to his/her side, and then will toy with you, lie and show no remorse. Sometimes there will be a fake smile in their face while he/she engages in their malicious ways. When confronted, the sociopath will deny any responsibility, then back away from you and blame you for whatever wrong he/she did. What is worse, everybody will believe him/her because he/she is able to gain sympathy in a cunning and calculating way.
•"They grow up in constant conflict with authority; they are most often bitterly angry and sometimes violent adults, brittle and combative under a thin veneer of charm;
•"A sociopath uses earnest persuasiveness, expert lies, and scheming manipulations, to achieve very destructive victories. A sociopath has great skill in sculpting their world to suit their plans and fulfill their wishes.” (Note: These examples of a sociopath behavior were written by a guy who wrote this about one of his family members because he just “wants to write this…just to get it out of [his] system after all of these forty years. But it might perhaps contribute to the overall understanding of sociopathic behavior”);
•"Sociopaths appear apparently normal; they are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed. Although only a trained professional can make a diagnosis of whether or not someone is a sociopath, it is important to be able to recognize the personality type in order to avoid further abuse;
"A sociopath does not have to be a person that is constantly in and out of jail, failing in being able to keep a job, nor constantly being broke. Sociopath's can be wealthy, have a great history in the work place and have never had any run in with the police. What they do have is the ability to manipulate each situation to where nothing is their fault. They are quick to give praise to someone, but use that as another way to draw them further under their control. They truly have no capacity to believe that anything they have ever done is wrong - even when caught in a bold faced lie;
"They don't pre-plan their "sociopathness" and how it will effect what they want - sociopath's are naturally that way. They are the way they are - to everyone in their lives - from when they were a child, throughout their entire lives. They do not have the ability to change the way they are. They may "mellow" as they age, but their need to have control over others, the need to be impulsive and violent, their feelings that, even in lying, they never do anything wrong, and their ability to charm everyone they think they need to charm, does not leave them as they age.;
"It's also very hard for someone involved with a sociopath to be able to see what they know is happening, even after catching the sociopath in the lies and manipulation. It's incredibly hard to decide to leave a sociopath, as well as stay away from that sociopath;
"Are you involved with a psychopath (extreme sociopath)? You may not know because they can be very charming and friendly and can appear to be altruistic, until you get close and inevitably they do something threatening or immoral and then you must set limits that disappoint them. The near-constant state of frustration and dissatisfaction felt by a true psychopath is the source of not only their rages but those eerie, on-and-off-like-a-faucet tears. (Yes, tears are seen even in some men, though of course still more common in children and women);
"People with Borderline Personality Disorder become “easily excited or have high-strung temperaments” that also resembles that of a sociopath in a temporary state of excitement.) They are always nervous and complaining of a headache or fatigue--always seeking compassion from others.
“Most of the physical problems a sociopath exhibits are neurologically based,” i.e., they seem nervous all the time/high anxiety or always hurrying. For all their frantic racing around, they are really very dead inside, and this is tragic beyond description;
“People can sense that the sociopath needs something, and they keep trying to give it and the sociopath/psychopath keeps trying to take it. But the sociopath cannot truly take in that healing energy of human contact. So, the sociopath becomes frustrated and instead looks to take unfair advantage. And the caregiver may give until it does him/her damage."
They lead high compartmentalized lives--and you better not try to go into those compartments. They live this way because they live separate lives, i.e., one group of people may never know anything about the another group of people, and so on.
My daughter lives this way. She has different groups of people believing another woman is her mother, and that woman's kids are her sister and brother, and their kids are her nieces and nephews. It's crazy.
Recently, at my ex-husband's funeral, at my daughter's separate lives collided, i.e., for decades she had been telling scores of people that she did not have a relationship with me...she never talk to or see me...I've never helped her...she does not accept anything from me..." But at the funeral, everyone she had lied to found out differently, including her boyfriend who said to me when I introduced myself as her mother: "I'm confused! You're her mother?" He stared at my daughter pensively as though he was having an epiphany about her. Several minutues later, he stated to a woman sitting on his right while pointing at me on his left: This lady right here said she is her mother." Then he stared at my daugther for about a minute. He rose to his feet, exited the pew (with my daughter in tow from the front row) and exited to chapel.
When my daughter returned to the chapel he was not with her. He had completely left the funeral before the service started. Of course I made it no better because I was all over her--talking like a bell-clapper--and she was a nervous wreck. I made absolutely sure that everyone knew she had been lying for decades. I stayed and served food at the repast to make her sweat. Of yes! She 98% ignored the woman that she claim is her mother. I felt sorry for the woman because she looked hurt and as though she had an epiphany as well.
Do you recognize any of this?
If you do, let your narcissistic, psyhopathic, sociopath go. They are dangerous and they do not like or love you. They are incapable of such emotions. They are also incapable of feeling remorse. Only God help a person like this because there is NOTHING you can do to help them. They will continue to hurt or destroy you.
Believe me! I’ve experienced all of the above—repeatedly—with my daughter, which is why am qualified to recognize sociopathic, psychopathic, bipolar, narcissistic/borderline personality disorders.
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