Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Mexican Said To Me: "You're A Racist N..... B....!"

And my reply was: "Sure you're right! And so are you and your mother! Therefore, we are identical."

Of course he was statically shocked by my immediate honesty. And I quickly pointed out to him that he arrives every week in my neighborhood providing lawn services for African-Americans, primarily women, and not one of his employees is African-American.

I was working throughout the neighborhoods surrounding my home soliciting African-American homeowners to switch from using Mexicans for landscaping services to using African-American men as a means to provide business and employment for our [own] people.

When a Mexican contractor arrived to cut grass at a neighbor's home, he heard what I was saying to her as he began unloading his equipment. He mauled me with dirty looks, morphing into a contemptuous malcontent, speaking of me with profanities to the two workers with him, telling them to "cut the grass anyway..."

"Alejandro!" My neighbor shouted at him. "You don't run a darn thing over here on my property. And you're not going to cut my grass anyway. I no longer want your services. You’re fired! You don't come here and disrespect me and my property."

Totally disregarding what she had just told him, Alejandro continued unloading his equipment, which prompted my neighbor to snap: "Did you hear what I said, Alejandro?"

With a balled-up facial expression, Alejandro growled: "I heard you, but I'm going to cut your grass one last time and you pay me. You're firing me because this lady said you should hire a black man?"

My neighbor walked down her stairs, stood in front of him, and snarled: "You must have me confused with your wife whom you disrespect every time she's here with you. I said you are fired. I dare you disrespect me about my own s----! Get off my property!"

Alejandro walked next door to a neighbor's house and was met with the same resistance. He effectively not only lost the next neighbor's account, he had lost every account on that block because I had already worked the whole block successfully converting every account he had.

By the time Alejandro made it back to where we were standing, he was cussing loudly at us. Several men came out of their homes, threatened him and his workers, while physically escorting them to their truck.

Alejandro was furious. He looked as though he wanted to kill. He hung out of his window and shouted at me: "You're a racist nigger bitch!"

I smiled broadly at being called a "racist nigger bitch" because I had successfully altered his economics and thereby affected his behavior (i.e., economics controls one's behavior: have money, be happy; be broke, be sad, mad, and otherwise). Had I not taken thousands of dollars away from him and his family, he would have kept how he really feels about black women to himself while making a fortune from us.

The Point Is:
Mexicans are recipients of a multi-million dollar landscaping industry financed by African-Americans, creating millions of jobs for Mexicans. I'm simply advocating and soliciting that we turn our landscaping accounts over to African-American men and youth, which would shift the millions of dollars to create new businesses and jobs for our men and children. This isn't rocket science.

I get really angry at black people when I see Mexicans being used to do any kind of work for us, especially lawn /landscaping services.

And what is worse, we [you all] seem to be blind to the fact that Mexicans largely do not hire African-Americans (men, women, and children) under any circumstances; and when they d,o it's because they are attempting to attract African-American customers.

African-American men and youth could use and benefit from the jobs and fortunes we are currently giving to Mexicans. I cannot figure this out, except to tell you all about it and pray that we change our economic practices to benefit ourselves, especially our men and youth.

I would very much like to see young, middle-aged, and old African-American males driving around in new heavy-duty trucks with trailers hauling equipment to provide services in African-American communities.

I would love to see African-American men/youth driving Escalades, Tahoes, and every other new car or truck because they are making money from us.

I would love to see African-American men being able to buy homes and take care of their kids and families because they are making money from us. I say this because Mexicans are doing all of this because they are largely making millions of dollars from us. We have to change this.

Saishe Brokesom! Holla-back!

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